Have you ever wanted more time in a day? The answer is found in your “life plan.” Let’s take a look at how to create a life plan.
On a piece of paper, draw ten rows and four columns. In the first column, list the words: work, family, friends, play, money, learning, volunteer, dating, and health. Label the columns today, next year, long range. Now dream. What would you like to do with the 24 hours in a day? What would you like to accomplish in the next 12 months? In each box, make a note about the activity that you will spend time doing.
After you can’t think of anything more to write down, the next step is to balance your life. Are there rows without many entries? Do some rows have too many things to do?
Do the columns look balanced? Be realistic. You can’t get everything done today. Stop waiting until tomorrow to do what you want when you can start today. Move some of the long-range activities into the today column. Move activities from one column to another until your load is balanced. The trick is to have something in each column and row. People are happier when their life is balanced. Review your life plan often.